10.03.2022 19:00
After being postponed, we can finally announce that Samsung Music Galaxy will come to TAP1 the 10th of March 2022.
The stage will blind you with the galaxy of sparkling stars!
Look forward to a special concert, where you can experience the sparkling artists: Artigeardit, Lord Siva, Ericka Jane, Maximillian and Alexander Oscar!
Doors at 19.00
TAP1 is located at Raffinarivej 10 in the former distellery at Kløvermarken. Centrally located you will easily find TAP1 by foot, bike, car or public transportation.
Bus 37 “Raffinaderivej” – 5 min walk from TAP1
Bus 31 “Holmbladsgade” – 10 min walk from TAP1
Find information about the public transportation at www.rejseplanen.dk
M2 (towards Copenhagen Airport). Get off at Lergravsparken St. or Øresund St. – 10 min walk from TAP1.
Find information about the public transportation at www.rejseplanen.dk